Meet Dr. Sunil Gupta
A multi-award winning, Internationally acclaimed,
Leading Diabetologist of India

Meet Dr. Sunil Gupta
A multi-award winning, Internationally acclaimed, Leading Diabetologist of India
What’s New
Hello Diabetes Academia – 24th, 25th & 26th June 2022
National Diabetes Educators Program (NDEP)

Sunil’s Diabetes Care n' Research Centre Pvt Ltd, Nagpur
Dr. Sunil Gupta (Diabetologist) & the DCRC team has been treating and improving the lives of people with diabetes since 1994. DCRC endeavours to provide world-class healthcare to every people with diabetes and offer a complete and committed Diabetes Care all under one roof. Over the years, we have not only been a benchmark for the best in class services, facilities and expertise but also providing unparallel educational opportunities for medical professionals, nutritionist, clinicians from other discipline, nurses, pharmacist, people with diabetes and their care takers with keen interest in diabetes.
- Committed to the care of people with diabetes for over 28 Years
- Have had the priviledge to treat over 60,230 people with diabetes
- Served people with diabetes from around India and also worldwide
- Have had the honour to receive hundreds of academic and social honours, awards & recognition
- Delivered thousands of Education Programs to Empower society with evidence based knowledge which benefited lakhs of people all over the world, making them self dependent.
For every person with Diabetes & associated conditions.

Pre Diabetes is state when fasting blood glucose is between 100-125mg/dl and /or 2 hr. post glucose is 140 to 199 mg/dL and /or HbA1C is between 5.7%-6.4%. Life Style Modification (LSM) is the first step of management.

Type 1 DM
T1 DM is a chronic & autoimmune condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. It is seen in commonly in children & young adults. Person with Type 1 DM has to take insulin injections for lifetime along with LSM.

Type 2 DM
T2 DM is due to impaired insulin secretion and variable degrees of peripheral insulin resistance leading to hyperglycemia.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is defined as Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. Which is clinically not suggestive of pre-existing diabetes Mellitus.

Diabetic Footcare
People with long duration, uncontrolled diabetes are likely to develop complications of peripheral nerves (D- Nephropathy) and Peripheral vessels (D- Vasculopathy) of feets. Such feets are at higher risk to develop foot ulcers or rarely foot gangrene. Proper foot care can save these limbs / feets from sufferings. .

Blood Sugar Management
Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) is an approach whereby people with diabetes measure their blood sugar (glycaemia) themselves using a glucometer. Based on the reading, they can adjust or check the effect of their treatment (diet, exercise, insulin, anti-diabetes medications, and stress management).

Laboratory Investigations
Annual /quarterly laboratory investigations is mandatory for people with diabetes.

Medical Nutrition Therapy
Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) is the corner stone in the management of diabetes.

Overweight (BMI->23) and obesity (BMI>25) are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

Uncontrolled blood glucose can affect the retina. Abnormal blood vessels can grow from the retina, which can bleed or cause scarring of the retina and result in permanent vision impairment or blindness. Annual check up by Retina Surgeon is mandate.

Regular Dental check-ups are important for People with diabetes as uncontrolled blood glucose may lead to tooth infections and slow healing.

As per ADA Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2021 , Pneumococcal pneumonia is recommended for people with diabetes through 64 years of age with PPSV23, annual vaccination against influenza is recommended for all diabetics >=6 month of age and 3dose series of Hepatitis B vaccine to unvaccinated adults with diabetes aged 19-59 years.
Meet The Team

Dr. Sunil Gupta
Consultant Diabetologist

Dr. Kavita Gupta

Dr. Ajay Ambade
Retina Surgeon

Dr. Sarita Ugemuge
Pathology Department

Dr. Mohit Zamad
MDS, Oral

Mr. R. L. Madan

Mr. Amarsingh Sengar

Mrs. Amita Bajaj

Mrs. Ashok Kumari Patel