Travel Day Guidelines for Diabetes: Supplies General recommendations When traveling by air, place all diabetes supplies in your carry-on luggage, preferably split between two bags. Pack into one bag all the supplies you will need in-flight until you reach your destination. Insulin When traveling overseas, insulin must be in your carry-on luggage and in pharmacy-labeled… Continue reading Travel Day Guidelines for Diabetes
Category: News
Self Management and Day to Day Care in Diabetes Mellitus
Self-management is the cornerstone of overall diabetes care. Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires decisions regarding food intake, exercise and insulin/medication that are made several time a day in order to manage blood glucose levels. Self-management requires that the person with diabetes makes those decisions according to an agreed upon treatment plan. This means… Continue reading Self Management and Day to Day Care in Diabetes Mellitus
What will you gain,if you lost 10%?
What will you gain,if you lost 10%? 20% fall in total mortality 30% fall in diabetes related death 40% fall in obesity related death 20% fall in systolic BP 10% fall in diastolic BP 50% fall in fasting glucose 10% fall in total cholesterol 15% fall in LDL 8% increase in HDL 30% falls in… Continue reading What will you gain,if you lost 10%?
Is your Child Obese….?
Obesityis an independent risk factor for Diabetes, Hypertension,Heart Attack,Brain Stroke & Cancer…. 33% of Preschool OverweightChildren…., 50% of School age Overweight children / teens…& 80% of Overweight Adolescents….. …are likely to remain Obese in adult life!!!
Are you over-eating?
Man is the only animal who eats even if he is not hungry… Think before you eat!