
Diabetescare Team

Guinness Book of World Record

Dr. Sunil Gupta in Guinness Book of World Record for participating in the largest Diabetic ...
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Travel Day Guidelines for Diabetes

Travel Day Guidelines for Diabetes: Supplies General recommendations When traveling by air, place all diabetes ...
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Self Management and Day to Day Care in Diabetes Mellitus

Self-management is the cornerstone of overall diabetes care. Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires ...
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four rules to stay healthy

What will you gain,if you lost 10%?

What will you gain,if you lost 10%? 20% fall in total mortality 30% fall in ...
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Is your Child Obese....?

Is your Child Obese….?

Obesityis an independent risk factor for Diabetes, Hypertension,Heart Attack,Brain Stroke & Cancer…. 33% of Preschool ...
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Are you over-eating?

Man is the only animal who eats even if he is not hungry… Think before ...
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